Ring In The New Year With A Detox!


It’s a New Year…time for a better and healthier YOU! Are you feeling bloated and lethargic from all the celebrating and feasting? Let us help you undo your overindulgence during the holiday season! These effective spa treatments will have you feeling and looking your best in no time!

Detox Programs can help you rid your body of harmful toxins that leave you feeling less than your best and can also help you lose weight. Programs may last for one week, a month or sometimes longer depending on your concerns and your degree of commitment. Detox Programs can include supplements, ionization detox, body wraps, lymphatic drainage, body cleanses and more.

Facial Treatments are perfect for removing pollutants and dull skin. Treatments such as Peels and Microdermabrasions exfoliate your skin to remove surface toxins, thereby exposing healthy and radiant skin. Technicians at Lasala Spa Services will recommend the appropriate treatments and at-home care for your skin concerns.

Body Scrubs reveal new and glowing skin underneath by removing dull skin and dead cells on the surface. They thoroughly cleanse pores, which allows your skin to breathe and stimulates blood circulation – this assists in eliminating toxins from the body. Body scrubs can be used prior to slimming and toning treatments for enhanced results due to the skin being firmed and strengthened.

Body Wraps and Massages are also  great ways to help you detox.

Reserve your complimentary consultation with Lasala Spa Services in Tucson to experience these treatments so you can start the New Year looking and feeling healthy!

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